Microbiology FDA 483 : Failure to conduct media fills – aseptic operations under the worst-case most-challenging conditions


Failure to conduct media fills that closely simulate aseptic production operations under the worst-case most-challenging, and stressful conditions

Facility Type

Sterile Manufacturing

Firm / Company

Surgery Pharmacy Services Inc


Facilities And Equipment System


Specifically, your media fills are not representative of production in that manipulations made during production are not reproduced with he media fill process. For example, manipulations not represented are the addition of volumes deemed too small for inclusion via the *** *** machine.

Record Date


FEI Number




Citation Type


Audit Duration (Days)


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FDA 483 relevant to Microbiology

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is to provide helpful information on FDA 483s related to microbiological issues. This article represents 483 information in Tabular form for quick access and easy navigation. Information for this article is derived from “Form FDA 483” (Inspectional Observation). This article is not intended to replace the information provided by the FDA, nor is it guaranteed to be complete, always refer official FDA site for details.

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